Retail price is the price paid by consumer which includes a profit margin for all participants in the supply chain. If one could buy the item not at retail but at the wholesale price, that would be a lower price. When there is a supply chain with many participants, a significant portion of the retail price is the profit margin of the different participants.
Consumers also generally accept that a new item costs more than that same item previously owned. Consumers are willing to pay a premium for "new".
There is also a time factor when someone wants to sell a used item. One needs to find a buyer, there needs to be a market for "used". It may take months for someone to resell an item. Perhaps they resell it on eBay or gumtree. The seller soon learns the lower the price, the faster the item sells.
Unbolted works with professional independent valuers who are specialists in a particular asset class. This ensures Unbolted obtains the most likely "market value" of the item. This is not necessarily related to the retail price that the owner paid for the item. For individual borrowers, Unbolted provides secured loans at 70% of an items market value. And the interest rate is directly correlated to the size of the loan. You can check it on the website every day. Simple and transparent. All our customers are equal. Isn't that what you want when dealing with your personal valuables?
Market price versus retail price
3 Aug 2015