Many people never realize the financial value of the personal items and collectibles they have gathered or been given over the years.

We have many items that we know everything about - when we purchased it or who gave it to us, how we felt at the time, how much we have cherised the item over the years. Perhaps it is jewellery, wedding gifts, an old car, long playing records (LPs), books, musical instruments or perhaps we have an old coin or stamp collection. Maybe a recent inheirtance of precious heirlooms.

All of these items have a financial value as well. At Unbolted, we specialize in helping you maximise the cash value you can get from your asset without having to sell the item. We work with the best independent valuers who provide us with an estimate of the value. This then allows a loan based on the value of the item to be calculated. Usually 70% or 80% for gold. Unbolted then provdes an interest rate that is guaranteed to be the lowest. The cash is then transferred immediately to your bank account and you do not need to make any payments for six months. 

Secured lending against watches. Secured lending against gold. Secured lending against any item that has an independent value.

Unbolted Blog
24 Jul 2015
Unbolted Team