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A record to be proud of - 100%+ recovery on defaulted loans

Remember that your capital is at risk with no FSCS protection. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns and we cannot guarantee that the security on the loan will cover full capital and interest.

asset loans

Performance Summary (as of 26 Jul 2024)

  • 7545 loans with a cumulative loan amount of £57.4 million have been repaid or renewed.
  • Another 732 loans with a cumulative loan amount of £4.4 million have defaulted. This equates to a default rate of 8.3% by number and 6.7% by value.
  • Of these defaulted loans, recovery has been completed on 624 loans with a recovery rate of approximately 121.6% of net amount due to lenders.
  • Many more loans, although not defaulted, have been repaid through the sale of assets under the instruction of the borrower. For example, loans made as pre-auction advance have been repaid from auction proceeds and some high-value loans have been repaid through organised sales to dealers.
lowest cost

Performance Tables (as of 26 Jul 2024)

For explanation of the loan types see further below.

by number Active and performing Repaid or Renewed Defaulted and recovered Defaulted and awaiting recovery Default rate (by %)
Consumers Loans against Gold 226 2442 176 4 6.3%
Consumers Loans against Non-Gold 252 4704 439 50 9.0%
HNW and Business Loans 28 399 9 54 12.9%
Total 506 7545 624 108 8.3%

by value (£) Active and performing Repaid or Renewed Defaulted and recovered Defaulted and awaiting recovery Default rate (by %)
Consumers Loans against Gold 853,611 8,555,751 754,359 18,589 7.6%
Consumers Loans against Non-Gold 1,458,055 26,740,244 1,813,919 482,722 7.5%
HNW and Business Loans 1,634,775 22,131,843 120,371 1,242,360 5.4%
Total 3,946,441 57,427,839 2,688,649 1,743,671 6.7%
Default and recovery statistics
by number All recovered Full recovery Interest shortfall only Principal shortfall
Consumers Loans against Gold 176 168 4 4
Consumers Loans against Non-Gold 439 355 22 62

by value (£) Net amount due to lenders1 Net sale proceeds received Gross interest shortfall Gross principal shortfall 2 Recovery rate (%)
Consumers Loans against Gold 743,026 907,568 527 246 122.1%
Consumers Loans against Non-Gold 1,932,794 2,344,789 35,868 48,419 121.3%
Total 2,675,821 3,252,357 36,395 48,664 121.5%

1. Net of any payments made by the borrower.

2. Repaid by platform - so zero net loss to investors.

Loan classifications
  • Consumer loans made against gold

    These are the easiest to value and dispose in default. They are also the easiest for risk management purposes as the value of the underlying collateral can be hedged.
  • Consumer loans against non-gold assets

    These loans are typically lower value and risk on these loans is managed through a combination of diversification and careful underwriting.
  • Loans made to business and high net worth customers

    These are typically higher-value loans and are carefully underwritten, with additional due-diligence conducted on value and ownership of assets, as well as full recourse to the borrower.