Lend against luxury assets

Earn up to 10.2% pa
Invest in short term loans (typically 6 months) and earn 0.85% per month (IFISA eligible).

Proven track record
Successfuly operating since 2015, with established valuation and disposal capabilities.

Assets held in possession
Loans are secured by luxury assets held in Unbolted's possession.
Remember that your capital is at risk with no FSCS protection. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns and we cannot guarantee that security on the loan will cover full capital and interest.
Unbolted - lend against luxury assets

Secured loans - earn 10.2% pa
Unbolted is a peer-to-peer lending platform with a difference - lower risk, with loans secured by pawned assets held in possession. The traditional pawnbroking model reimagined.
Loans are made for short terms against luxury assets, which are conservatively valued and carefully underwritten. LTVs range from 40% (on wine) to 80% (on gold), depending on underlying asset liquidity and ability to hedge price volatility.
All loans earn 0.85% per month in interest, paid semi-annually.

Auto Lend
Unbolted’s Autolend is our solution for easy investment and risk diversification for the time constrained lender. Most of our loans on the platform are fully distributed through automatic lending instructions.

Sale Advance Loans
In partnership with auction houses, Unbolted advances 40% to 50% of the low auction estimate of an asset consigned for sale with an auction house.

What if Unbolted were to go out of business?
As a P2P lending platform that is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, we are required to have a ‘wind-down plan’ in place that would set out what would happen if either we decided to strategically exit the business, or an unexpected event meant we were unable to operate our platform.
Our wind-down plan aims to enable us to cease our regulated activities and achieve cancellation of our regulatory permissions in an orderly manner, with minimal adverse impact on our customers (lenders and borrowers) and other stakeholders.
Our wind-down plan allows us to identify with confidence, that we have adequate resources (both financial and non-financial) in place to wind down the services in an orderly manner, especially under potentially challenging circumstance.
We consider that we are best placed to manage the wind-down of the services in the best interests of our customers; managed in-house by existing staff, using existing systems, processes and infrastructure; and with the same regulatory rules and requirements that the platform currently operates within.
To ensure that there are sufficient financial resources available to wind-down the business without disruption, we
- keep cash segregated in a separate bank account, to be made available only in a wind-down scenario – sufficient to cover all immediate liquidity requirements at wind-down; and
- regularly monitor the amount of platform fees due from the existing loan book (net of expected losses), such that together with the segregated cash and other available liquid resources, it is sufficient to cover all costs of winding-down the business.
Our wind-down plan is reviewed on an annual basis and is also subject to ongoing review to reflect any material changes in our business or operating model.

Risk warning: No recourse to FSCS
Remember that with peer-to-peer lending, your capital is at risk. Peer-to-peer lending platforms are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).